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Physiotherapy is treatment to restore and maintain a patient’s mobility, function and well-being. Physiotherapy helps through physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, and health and fitness. Physiotherapists are highly trained and licensed health professional who guide you through this physical rehabilitation and get you involved in your own recovery.

If you have an injury or chronic pain that affects your every day life, you may want to consider seeing a physiotherapist. A doctor may also refer you after an injury, or after a surgery like a hip replacement.

Your session will be all about you and your particular needs. We will learn about your medical history, assess and diagnose your condition and then work with you to develop a treatment plan that sets goals for you. You will be prescribed a course of exercises and stretches to perform and shown how to do them.

We will also answer any questions and address and concerns you may have. We are here to make your experience as comfortable and productive as possible.

You do not need a Doctor’s referral to visit a Physiotherapist, however, depending on your benefits provider, you may need one in order to make a claim with your insurer. Check with your insurance provider for more information regarding what is required in order to claim the visit under your benefits package.

Your massage therapist may require you to fill out a health history form. Afterward the therapist will begin by asking you general questions to establish what areas you would like worked on, if there are any conditions needing to be addressed, and to determine if massage is appropriate for you.

You should undress to the level you are comfortable.

No! We work with people recovering from acute and sub-acute injuries from either work or play. As well, we help people who are receiving massage therapy as a part of their healthcare for maintenance of wellness and stress reduction.

No. Although many physicians refer patients for massage therapy treatments, massage therapists are primary health care providers who assess and treat people independently.
However, some insurance plans do require a referral, so you will need to check your policy to see if you need one in order to be reimbursed for your treatments.

The most well-known traditional Chinese medical procedure, acupuncture is the practice of inserting sterilized, stainless-steel needles (that are often as fine as a human hair) into the body at specific points to relieve pain or treat a disease. Acupuncture points are areas of designated sensitivity. Stimulation of these points has been shown to be effective in the treatment of specific health problems. They have been mapped out over a period of more than 2,000 years.

The number of acupuncture treatments you need depends on the complexity of your condition, whether it is a chronic or recent condition, and your general health. For example, you may need only one treatment for a recent wrist sprain, whereas for a long-standing, chronic illness you may need treatments once or twice a week for several months to get desired results.

Acupuncture is particularly effective for pain relief and for post-surgery and chemotherapy-associated nausea and vomiting. In addition, both the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health recognize that acupuncture can be a helpful part of a treatment plan for many illnesses. A partial list includes:
Addiction (such as alcoholism)
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Facial tics
Irregular periods
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Low back pain
Menopausal symptoms
Menstrual cramps

You can safely combine acupuncture with prescription drugs and other conventional treatments, but it is important for your primary care physician to be aware of and to monitor how your acupuncture treatment may be affecting your conventional therapies.